How Can I Pay?
We’ve tried to make subscribing as easy as possible.
Monthly Subscription
12 Monthly Subscription
We understand not everyone uses PayPal.
In this case we have partnered with “Zettle” for manual payments.
If you contact us we can send you a payment link, using this simple Secure One Time Link you can pay for your subscription.
  Telephone: 01253 272053 (Not Continually Manned) If no answer please see below.
  WhatsApp: You can also WhatsApp us on this number – 01253 272053
When you contact us we need the following:
- Your Full Name (Let know if its different to the payment details).
- User Name (existing or new if you’ve not created an account).
- Email address (if you have one)
- How you want the one time link sent? WhatsApp, Email, Text ect……
- How many months you’d like to pay for.
Once we receive the payment we’ll activate your account and drop you a message to confirm.
If you didn’t create an account we’ll provide you with a temporary password.